How is evidence use enacted in schools? A mixed methods multiple case study of “deep-use” schools

Dr. Elizabeth Farley-Ripple, co-Principal Investigator, and colleagues at the Center for Research Use in Education, have addressed two questions as a means of better understanding how schools use research – “What does deep use of research look like in schools?” and “What conditions support deep use of research and how do those conditions come to exist?”

In How is evidence use enacted in schools? A mixed methods multiple case study of “deep-use” schools, Dr. Farley-Ripple and colleagues report what was learned in interviewing staff from four schools identified as “deep users” of research from the data collected in the national administration of the Survey of Evidence in Education for Schools (SEE-S).

Citation: Farley-Ripple, E. N., Tilley, K., Mead, H., Van Horne, S., Agboh, D. (2022) How is evidence use enacted in schools? A mixed methods multiple case study of “deep-use” schools, A Report from the Center for Research Use in Education. University of Delaware. Supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R305C15001.