The Center for Research Use in Education is “Rethinking Research for Schools”
Our Mission…
To expand the study of research use and produce a more holistic picture of what drives it, from the production of knowledge by researchers to the application of research in schools. We also seek to identify strategies that can make research more meaningful to classroom practice.
Why Research Use?
At our center, we believe that education research is an important part of the educational process. We further believe that rigorous evidence, whether qualitative or quantitative, can foster better opportunities and outcomes for children by empowering educators, families, and communities with additional knowledge to inform better decision-making. For this reason, we seek to support strong ties between research and practice.
Our Work
Learn more about our two-part research plan and our guiding framework.
User guides, fact sheets and more downloadable resources.
Delve into our team’s library of research on knowledge utilization.
Our Team
Get to know the R4S team and their powerful mix of expertise.
Our Partners
We’re proud to have a strong foundation of institutional support behind CRUE.
Find evidence-based insights from our stakeholders.
“Our Center’s goal is not only to understand the relationship between research and practice but also to transform it.”
Dr. Elizabeth Farley-Ripple
Co-Principal Investigator